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Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Power of Creativity + a Plan = Amazing Results

Every amazing event, pursuit, action or result I have ever witnessed or experienced was the natural result of a masterful plan. Life itself is God's greatest plan, specifically designed for the ultimate happiness, growth and eternal progression of each His children.

I am so inspired when I witness the creative power to impact eternity, carried out through a purposeful plan. Nothing inspires me like the creative process, and the result such creativity brings. The purposeful design and beauty of everything from the universe, to nature, to animals and people and their raw potential for greatness, stir within me an unparalleled rapture and awe as I recognize the hand of the Creator in all. It is difficult for me not to feel moved to the point of tears as I walk through a crowd of people . I am touched at the beauty and diversity of the size, shape and color of each individual. God's artistic expression is evident in the face and physique of each person. We are each, basically, a purposeful, planned, and unique work of art. My heart also swells when I view beauty in the handmade works of man, knowing that these works too are a gift from God.

As we are each patterned after God's image in both form and function, we too are creators. Creativity is our birthright. Creative expression comes as naturally and deeply to each soul as the experience of emotion. This life offers each of us ample opportunity to discover or role as creators, insight into our individual gifts of creative expression, and a boundless canvas to impact our surroundings. All that is needed to bridge the gap from potential possibilities, to completion, is purposeful action taken on a plan. A plan is the tool to enact and unleash creativity from its potential state and bring it to a state of completion; the result.

Since creativity can be used for good, or evil, according to the will and application of the creator, intention and motive are critical. I have often pondered such results as the Holocaust, and the purposeful actions of terrorism, genocide, and abortion and traced the results back to the origin of thought, which is always the first step in the creative process. Thought always precedes action. When the thought is dark, wicked, corrupt and vile, the result created will always be as well.

The power to create good or evil is given to each of us. The creative power is meant to be used with wisdom, discernment, and an eagerness to please God. When our creative intention is anything other than the desire to please and glorify God, especially, when it is self-serving, it is subject to all manner of corruption. Enlightenment or entrapment directly result from the correct or incorrect application of creative expression.

With boundless potential to impact eternity, and the gift of creativity to do it, we are each prepared to complete God's will and build His kingdom. I am especially excited when youth recognize their creative capacity and engage in such a process. I got to witness such an action, on a grand scale, even, this summer.

One Thursday morning, July 15, to be exact, I watched as two teens created a plan that impacted their lives, my life, and the lives of the rest of my family. Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends also joined in the fun. They essentially impacted eternity for good. The result was such a memorable and enjoyable month, that none of us will ever forget it. The planning session took three concentrated hours that consisted of making a list of fun activities and experiences they wanted to do. Once their list was complete, they systematically fit the activity list into specified days and times on a calendar. Because the plan was so well thought out and incredibly fun, the whole family got behind it and greatly benefitted from it.

Planning session.

The calendar:


Rope swing at Burston Ponds.

Water fight.

Horsey rides.


Zip line and Alpine Slide at Snowbird.

Jet Skiing and boating at Jordanelle Reservoir.

Hiking, backpacking and camping in the Uintah's.

Taking pics at Temple Square.

I love it when today's youth exhibit so much faith, vision, creativity, attention to detail, unity, cooperation and purposeful application. It inspires me, and reassures me that the leadership of tomorrow rests with the wise and the capable. The upcoming generation is powerful, good, strong, intelligent and fun. We were blessed enough to get to experience a preview of their power this summer. I can't wait to see this generation serve missions, pursue an education, assume leadership positions, rear children, and impact the world for good. It won't be long before they set out to work. They are creating their plans now...

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