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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Sharing of Truth: My Purpose for Blogging

It may be a little late, but I've decided to officially enter the 21st Century as evidenced by my decision to post a blog.

Nevermind what has kept me from joining cyberspace in the past, because honestly I can't pinpoint any particular reason to have avoided it. Except maybe feeling it was somehow a waste of time. To an efficiency freak, especially one with a detailed plan, time wasting is unacceptable! I've overcome those negative feelings about blogging, or I should say, outweighed those feelings with the sudden and rather unexpected inspiration that there might be something to it. It occurred to me that blogging may be a further extension of that detailed plan, a way for me to connect on a grander scale with others with similar callings.

For this purpose of connection, I found meaning in what millions of others must already understand or feel on a deep level about blogging. Now, what to say...

So many thoughts, ideas, feelings, and pictures tumble through my head in the course of mere seconds that weeding through them to find the most pertinent, urgent, and important at any given time will take some work and practice. Perhaps a blog provides this type of focus and thus is another draw for all those attracted to this form of expression.

The title of my blog says it all. My understanding of my purpose in life is to educate, inspire and unite. Nothing thrills, electrifies, or ignites me into a passionate frenzy of words, ideas, and the need to connect, like these activities.

I love to educate, inspire and unite people not on a particular topic, but rather around and through a particular principle. I am a lover and seeker of truth and have been for as long as I can remember. I am passionate about truth above all else. I seek it constantly and revel in the light, beauty and simplicity of it, when I find it at the core of any subject. Finding truth can be minimally compared to the feeling of finding an incredible sale, collecting the rare, or owning priceless treasure. Truly this description of finding truth is indeed minimal, because it is a powerful feeling beyond description, an experience beyond compare. The sheer joy of it is addictive and is what fuels my insatiable desire for endless study. Not only do I live to find it, but also to apply it, and ultimately, to share it.

This blog is one of the tools available to me to share the truths I find. Of course it will be smattered with what seems like random musings, and I'm sure, some family stories and photos from time to time. Rest assured as one proned to finding purpose and meaning in all, my intentions are not random. Truth lovers adore metaphors, analogies, stories and parables as a way to share truth. Because in all actuality, truth exists in the common place all around us.

Sharing truth is a two way communication. Connection requires more than one! This blog is a dialogue. Please comment and share your ideas, thoughts and understanding. You have insight I'm excited to discover.

Amy Kenney